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Juneau Suicide Prevention Coalition
a program of NAMI Juneau

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​In 2008, after several student suicide deaths in the community,  Brendan Kiernan, a Juneau School District Psychologist, recognized the need for a suicide prevention education curriculum. His application for a grant to fund "Signs of Suicide" or SOS at all Juneau district high schools and his creation of a community-level advisory group consisting of representatives from local agencies and concerned Juneau residents was the first steps of building what would become the Juneau Suicide Prevention Coalition (JSPC). In 2020, JSPC became a program of NAMI Juneau. 


Read More about

the Coalition's History 



The Juneau Suicide Prevention Coalition is an active coalition of mental health/social service providers, educators, survivors, members of the faith community and law enforcement, Veteran’s advocates, concerned citizens, community groups, and others working to maintain community-wide suicide awareness and prevention in Juneau.

​​Our Mission â€‹

The Juneau Suicide Prevention Coalition is committed to reducing the loss and suffering caused by suicide and suicidal behavior in Southeast Alaska. Through partnerships, we will increase suicide prevention resources in each community. ​


Our Vision 

To support communities in SE AK where all individuals have a path to improved mental health, a sense of belonging, connectedness to others, and value their lives.


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Working to prevent suicide through awareness, understanding, community, inclusion, hope, a
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